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How I Get Ready To Make Porn

How Luna X get's ready to film a porn shoot

How To Get Ready For A Porn Shoot

I’ve lost count of the number of times someone has told me what an easy job porn is. They are right to a certain extent I suppose. The idea that you’re doing something you enjoy for work and not something soul-crushing like accounting. Although hey, maybe you’re an accountant and you like accounting - it was just the first thing I could think of. Also a bit ironic as a code name for sex workers is accountants…

Yes - porn is an easy job in some aspects and very difficult and strange in others. Like every “regular” job, it has its pros and cons and straight-up WTF moments. So I thought I would share with you what I do to get ready for a shoot.

Firstly, it depends on what I’m shooting. Is it solo content? Is it a girl-girl scene? Is it a threesome? Is it a gangbang? Is it an orgy? Am I on my period? Am I going to do anal? All of these require me to prepare a little differently...

How I Prepare For Solo Shoots

If it’s a solo shoot, it’s pretty simple. I get up, I eat, I shower, and I do all the grooming bits that I wish to do. Then I figure out what outfit I’m going to be wearing for the shoot, or if it’s like an Ersties shoot, I pack several different options with me to fit the vibe of the day. Then there’s the hair and the makeup and then I either do the thing or I go to the location and then do the thing. Solo shoots are the easiest with regard to prepping.

Getting Ready To Shoot With Another Performer

Now, if it’s a shoot with another person we have to do several other things. I don’t know if other performers do this, but if it’s a shoot with someone, I always feel the need to empty my bowels fully (aka douche) so I don’t feel bloated. It’s a sensory thing or maybe it’s an insecurity thing, I’m not sure, but it does help me feel more prepared for the day. The rest of the morning routine is similar, I make sure to eat enough because you need the energy to play with other people, and I feel having the right kind of energy affects how the performance comes across on camera and affects your co-performer. So definitely eat before a shoot, and bring snacks for break times.

I like to take extra care with grooming, like trimming my pubic hair cause I personally don’t like to have hair stuck in my teeth while eating (pussy). I’ll also spritz some deodorant in that region to keep it smelling fresh. IT’S A VAGINAL PH SAFE DEODORANT - I would never use regular deodorant down there!!!

Now at the shoot, before we start filming there’s a bit of prep there too, in a sense. I like to get in the right mood with my co-performer, and that doesn’t necessarily mean we start foreplay or get really sexual. It just means I try to have some conversation with them, to ease into the dynamic and relax with each other a bit, especially if I’ve never worked with them before. Of course, I could just show up and just perform with a stranger, but I find it easier to chat before and be friendly. It makes the performance go a lot smoother, and communication comes more easily when you have a rapport with someone, even if it’s just small talk.

That’s essentially the two different kinds of shoots I would be doing - one by myself and one with other humans. But of course, certain specific types of shoots require specific preparations, like if you’re performing while on your period.

Porn on My Period?

That’s happened to me a few times before and it’s been…interesting. Usually, if I know I’m on my period I’ll be ready. I like to use soft tampons - or sponges as they are more colloquially called. I know other performers prefer diva cups, but for me, if there’s penetration of any kind with anything larger than fingers, I prefer sponges as they’re softer and less painful for me. Although they are a bit sneaky as they can get lost in there. I’ve had to ask for help from co-performers to take it out for me before and it’s a strangely intimate experience, more so than sex!

There have been times when I did not expect my period to come and it’s come in the middle of a shoot and there haven’t been any sponges on hand. That required some tactical shooting so that the blood wasn’t too present in shots. I think most people are fine with period blood (except for platforms that host porn haha), so we have to make sure we leave it out. But even so, it was doable. Though going to clean up after, my co-performer and I were leaving behind bloody footprints on the way to the bathroom…but that's the messy reality of sex, and the more we talk about it, the less shame people feel about experiencing it in their personal sex lives.

How About Anal & BDSM Shoots?

If it was an anal shoot, douching would absolutely be necessary. I’ve never done it myself but I know the gist. You have to stay on the bottom diet the night before/day!

If it’s a BDSM or some form of impact play shoot, I like to prepare myself by testing what my body feels that day and what it can handle. It’s so important for performers to feel comfortable for a shoot to turn out well! So I like to ask myself what I want and need that day and on set, I will try out the toys/accessories on myself lightly and see what feels good. I would encourage my co-performer(s) to do the same if I was the one doling out the impact or being at the top. And again, that would also help with communication.

My Post Shoot Ritual

I hope I’ve done a good job of describing a few different scenarios of getting ready for a porn shoot for you. I’ll leave you with my post-shoot “tradition” (I call it tradition but it happens whether I want to do it or not, it’s what my body wants!) Due to all the healthy eating to prep for a shoot, at the end of a long day, I love to get something greasy and super unhealthy - usually, it’s chicken wings or pizza.

Anyhoo, now I've talked about how I get ready for a shoot, maybe you wanna watch one of my most fun shoots, the Fucking Machine Foursome?
Check it out here!

Ersties Fucking Machine Foursome

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